Inspirational short stories about life

You are Uniquely You- One of a Kind- A Masterpiece- Purposefully Designed- Intentionally Created.

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Together we navigate life's mysterious journey.

Sparrow’s Song is a forum where we will learn from each other how to navigate this mysterious yet fascinating and amazing journey called life!

Life is not meant to be done alone so Join Us on your journey!

The author

The Author & Blogger of Sparrow’s Song works and lives on the California Coast. Her passion is to write about this mysterious, yet fascinating and amazing journey called life. She does this by capturing what life reveals through short stories.

It has been her privilege to walk alongside many people on their own journeys and along the way to gain much wisdom in her experience as a Church Counselor, Life Purpose Coach, and Youth Life Group Leader.

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Purple wisteriaPink rose
Finding hope

Life is like the ocean; it ebbs and flows. It is a series of highs, lows, and the in-betweens. Hope is what keeps us moving forward! Hope shows us how to embrace the highs, learn from the lows, and enjoy the in-betweens.

Finding peace

Peace is like an oasis in the desert. When life turns up the heat it is a place – a retreat that provides shelter from life’s storms. It refreshes, soothes, calms and revitalizes our mind, body, and spirit.

Finding inspiration

Inspiration motivates ordinary people to do extraordinarily wonderful things. Inspiration is the wind that moves a person forward to attempt new things, to sail to new shores, to find the courage to leave comfort zones, to dare to dream… Inspiration never leaves one in the same place it found them.

Life is like a rose.
What we feed it
determines its Beauty!

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

Mary Oliver

Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth,
we cannot know it.

Blaise Pascal